The newest cyber and financial fraud threat facing businesses is deepfake technology, which criminals are using to extract money from unsuspecting accounts payable personnel. A finance worker at a multinational company in Hong Kong was duped into transferring $25...
Violence in the workplace is a growing problem for which many U.S. employers are unprepared. Business owners may believe that their workforces are like families and that a violent outburst could never happen at work. They may also think that they have adequate...
Efforts are afoot to create new laws and regulations that would require California employers to include the opioid overdose medication Narcan in their first aid kits. The National Safety Council (NSC) recently asked the Cal/OSHA Standards Board to create new...
The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California will recommend changes to class codes for some electronics manufacturing sectors, as well as increases to the wage thresholds for construction industry dual classifications. The move comes after the...
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